Saturday, July 30, 2016

Soft or Hard Suit Cases Guide!

Hey everyone and welcome back to YourEverythingGuide! Todays blog is going to be about what kind of luggage to buy. Here are some pros and cons to each kind of luggage!

  • Hard Suitcase!
- Pros
They protect your stuff better
They come in smaller packages
- Cons
Most of the time they are more money

  • Soft Suitcases!
- Pros
Most of the time they are cheaper
They are more comfy

- Cons
Don't protect your stuff as well
They don't come in the same small sizes

There you have it, MY pros and cons list. You all might not agree,  but that's why its my opinion. If any of you have any suggestions for my next blog, leave it in the comment section below! See ya! :)

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