Sunday, July 31, 2016

Laptops Guide!

 Hey everyone and welcome back to YourEverythingGuide! Today's blog is going to be about laptops! I know what your all thinking, I'm going to be talking about what kind is the best. Well no, that's just not the case. I'm going to be talking about which ones are better, thinner or thicker? You guys are probably right away saying thinner. Is thinner really better though? I think we should investigate more before we assume.

Thinner Laptops:
- Are lighter.
- Are easier to carry

- Smaller screens
- Less storage

Thicker Laptops:
- Bigger screens
- More storage

- Are heavier

As you can see, this is my list of pros and cons of each subject. I hope this was helpful to all of you. If you have any suggestions for my next blog, comment in the comment section! See ya!!

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