Sunday, August 7, 2016

Something New blog!

Hey everyone, it's YourEverythingGuide! Today's blog is going to be telling you guys what a new feature is on my blog. I am going to be making short stories. So every Saturday is going to be Short Story Saturday! I am going to be making every kind of story. Probably mostly scary short stories, but if you guys want me to make a different kind of story all you have to do is comment a story genre down below! See ya! :)

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Ear Buds Guide!

Hey everyone and welcome back to YourEverythingGuide! Today's guide is going to be about ear buds! I know that you probably are thinking that you already know about ear buds, but I am going to be teaching you all about what ear buds are good for certain uses.

Ear buds with the ear secure:
These ear buds are good for working out. They keep the ear buds from falling out while you move around. You can use them for jogging or you can use them at the gym. These are good quality ear buds.

Ear buds with microphone:

These ear buds are great for the phone. You know when you have to take a call and you are listening to music and you already have your ear buds in? Well you don't need to unplug the earbuds, you can take the phone call with the  earbuds in still! This is a really great idea!

Regular ear buds:

These regular ear buds are perfect for simply watching a video or a movie! If you need to keep quite but want to watch a show, you can use these ear buds! These are the original great product.

That's it for today everyone! Hope you all enjoyed and please leave a suggestion in the comment section below! See ya! :)

Monday, August 1, 2016

Whats going on!?! BLOG

Hey everyone and welcome back to YourEverythingGuide! Today's blog isn't a guide, but just a information blog to tell you all what to expect in the near future. I know that this is a late post and that's exactly what this blog is going to be telling you about. I am going to be posting a little bit less then I have been. I am more busy and can't blog every single day. My new schedule is not everyday, but every other day. So leave a comment in the comment section below and check out my recent blogs! Hope you all enjoy! See ya! :)

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Laptops Guide!

 Hey everyone and welcome back to YourEverythingGuide! Today's blog is going to be about laptops! I know what your all thinking, I'm going to be talking about what kind is the best. Well no, that's just not the case. I'm going to be talking about which ones are better, thinner or thicker? You guys are probably right away saying thinner. Is thinner really better though? I think we should investigate more before we assume.

Thinner Laptops:
- Are lighter.
- Are easier to carry

- Smaller screens
- Less storage

Thicker Laptops:
- Bigger screens
- More storage

- Are heavier

As you can see, this is my list of pros and cons of each subject. I hope this was helpful to all of you. If you have any suggestions for my next blog, comment in the comment section! See ya!!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Soft or Hard Suit Cases Guide!

Hey everyone and welcome back to YourEverythingGuide! Todays blog is going to be about what kind of luggage to buy. Here are some pros and cons to each kind of luggage!

  • Hard Suitcase!
- Pros
They protect your stuff better
They come in smaller packages
- Cons
Most of the time they are more money

  • Soft Suitcases!
- Pros
Most of the time they are cheaper
They are more comfy

- Cons
Don't protect your stuff as well
They don't come in the same small sizes

There you have it, MY pros and cons list. You all might not agree,  but that's why its my opinion. If any of you have any suggestions for my next blog, leave it in the comment section below! See ya! :)

Friday, July 29, 2016

Forgotten Birthday Guide!

Hey everyone its YourEverythingGuide! Today's guide is going to be about if you forgot someone's birthday. I know a lot of you have done it before and if you haven't, your lucky! If it happens again and you don't have time to go to the mall, remember these tips!

- First Thing To Do, don't panic!

- Second Thing To Do, look at this blog. ;)

- Third Thing To Do, look on Amazon. I know you all think I am crazy but bear with me.

- Fourth Thing To Do, look up a key word that explain the things they like.

- Fifth Thing To Do, as soon as you find something buy it right away!

- Sixth Thing To Do, time to make a card! Make this card as beautiful as possible, ( Since your gift isn't ready yet)

- Seventh Thing To Do, tell the person in the card that your gift is really good and that they will receive it soon!

- Eighth Thing To Do, put some money or a gift card that hasn't been used in the birthday card.

- Ninth Thing To Do, put the homemade card in a big bag, ( To make the illusion of a big gift)

- Tenth Thing To Do, call the person to say happy birthday, and say you have a big gift ready.

There you have it, ten tips if you forgot some one's birthday!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

YouTube Channels Guide! ;)

Hey everyone and welcome back to YourEverythingGuide! Today's blog is going to be about my favorite YouTube channels! YouTube, if you haven't heard of it already, is a great source of entertainment if used appropriately! That's why I am making this blog to show some of my all time favorite YouTube channels so you all know where to start. I will be starting from least favorite to most favorite.

Miniature Space - This YouTube channel is really cute! They make the tiniest foods with tiny little appliances. You all should watch this channel. The only thing I don't like about this channel is that it doesn't have any background music or anyone commenting in the background. I rate this channel an 7/10.
GizmoSlip - This YouTube channel is really interesting! These people go ontop of a parking garage and drop a phone, Samsung, iPad, etc! They put these things in weird substances to make it interesting. The only thing I would like to change is that its cool to watch a couple, but that's it for the day. I rate this channel an 8/10.

MoreTDM - This YouTube channel is really cool! This channel is an add on from TheDimondMinecart. Its the same person, but these are all vlogs. These vlogs are really entertaining, but he doesn't post that often. I rate this channel an 8/10.

GamingWithJen - This YouTube channel is really funny! Its by PopularMMOs's wife. She is so funny and when she posts videos I always enjoy watching them. The only thing is that she almost never posts. She posts around once a month but that's just an estimate. I understand why she never posts though, she's always on his channel. This is a good thing though because she makes his channel funnier. I rate this channel an 8/10

TheDiamondMinecart - This YouTube channel is really entertaining! When I watch his videos I always laugh! He is a really respected YouTuber, with a lot of subscribers. The only thing that I don't like about his channel is that his series are so long that if you don't start from the beginning its not that fun to watch. Although that bad comment, I really love watching his videos. I rate this channel an 9/10. 

Popularmmos - This YouTube channel is so hilarious that whenever I watch it I almost cry! His wife and him are so funny combined! There is not one bad comment I can say. I watch his channel all the time and I can never get tired of watching! I hope you all watch his channel because it always puts a smile on my face! I rate this channel an 1,000/10!