Sunday, August 7, 2016

Something New blog!

Hey everyone, it's YourEverythingGuide! Today's blog is going to be telling you guys what a new feature is on my blog. I am going to be making short stories. So every Saturday is going to be Short Story Saturday! I am going to be making every kind of story. Probably mostly scary short stories, but if you guys want me to make a different kind of story all you have to do is comment a story genre down below! See ya! :)

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Ear Buds Guide!

Hey everyone and welcome back to YourEverythingGuide! Today's guide is going to be about ear buds! I know that you probably are thinking that you already know about ear buds, but I am going to be teaching you all about what ear buds are good for certain uses.

Ear buds with the ear secure:
These ear buds are good for working out. They keep the ear buds from falling out while you move around. You can use them for jogging or you can use them at the gym. These are good quality ear buds.

Ear buds with microphone:

These ear buds are great for the phone. You know when you have to take a call and you are listening to music and you already have your ear buds in? Well you don't need to unplug the earbuds, you can take the phone call with the  earbuds in still! This is a really great idea!

Regular ear buds:

These regular ear buds are perfect for simply watching a video or a movie! If you need to keep quite but want to watch a show, you can use these ear buds! These are the original great product.

That's it for today everyone! Hope you all enjoyed and please leave a suggestion in the comment section below! See ya! :)

Monday, August 1, 2016

Whats going on!?! BLOG

Hey everyone and welcome back to YourEverythingGuide! Today's blog isn't a guide, but just a information blog to tell you all what to expect in the near future. I know that this is a late post and that's exactly what this blog is going to be telling you about. I am going to be posting a little bit less then I have been. I am more busy and can't blog every single day. My new schedule is not everyday, but every other day. So leave a comment in the comment section below and check out my recent blogs! Hope you all enjoy! See ya! :)